Work Packages

Will provide the database/IT “back-end” of the EU-FarmBook and associated tools. The back-end will enable the ingestion of data, the appropriate labelling of knowledge objects with appropriate metadata, and iterative updating of the EU-FarmBook ontology. WP1 will maintain and update the back-end as it develops over the life of the project.

Will focus on the development of the overall platform and end-user interface, which will be available in both desktop and mobile versions, to make the EU-FarmBook maximally responsive and easy to use. The objective is to ensure that users encounter an interface that is easily comprehensible and intuitive by using proven psychology-based design and testing methods.

Will form the bridge between the building of the EU-FarmBook in WPs 1 and 2 and dissemination and exploitation in WPs 4 & 5. It will embed the EU-FarmBook into the contemporary policy context by effectively connecting the platform with relevant actors, policies, projects, and other instruments in accordance with and response to the changing characteristics of the evolving post-2020 AKIS ‘ecosystems’ at EU and MS level.

Will enable all AKIS actors to use the EU-FarmBook to strengthen learning environments and support the empowerment and development of individual and collective capacities in a dynamic way, ensuring the effectiveness and circularity of knowledge-creation and learning processes.

Will carry out dissemination, exploitation, and communication activities at multiple levels to ensure the desired reach and impact of the project. Best practices will be demonstrated to encourage the appropriate management of readily available data and information derived from different sources and to reach a high level of innovation uptake. WP5 also intends to raise awareness among and activate the multi-actor EU project community, EIP-AGRI representatives, AKIS coordinating bodies of the 27 EU MS, and other key actors including farmers, advisors, educators and trainers, policy makers and national CAP Networks.

Will coordinate and manage the project. This includes development of the Data Management and Business and Exploitation Plans jointly with WP5, considering gender and legal dimensions. An interactive and agile approach to project management will be used, based on iterative cycles to mitigate risks and maximise the impact and by facilitating and strengthening the Community of Practice (CoP) throughout the phases of the project.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.
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