EU-FarmBook Knowledge Flows

The EU-FarmBook Platform operates based on the principles of the Knowledge Flows.

The EU-FarmBook Knowledge Flows is divided into four phases:

A practice-oriented material is produced.

A practice-oriented material or contribution is uploaded into the EU-FarmBook Platform – a process that can be done manually, automatically (Linking a Project Platform or a National and/or Regional Knowledge Reservoir for Practice with EU-FarmBook).

A practice-oriented material is hosted on the EU-FarmBook Platform.

A practice-oriented material is used (applied) or reused (to produce new materials).

In this process, each element of the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS) plays its role.

In this process, each element of the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS) plays its role.

EU-FarmBook is an under-development online platform that gathers and provides practice-oriented materials from the domain of agriculture and forestry.

Who can contribute?

A contributor is a partner or coordinator of an H2020/Horizon Europe project or Operational Group who produces, uploads, or reuses practice-oriented materials.

Why to contribute?

Being a contributor to the EU-FarmBook gives you the opportunity to have materials on a platform that:

Fosters their transposition into practice.

Ensures their ready availability.

Boosts their visibility through a customizable project page

Respects authors rights.

Establish connections with other actors within the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS)! Contribute easily and intuitively with practice-oriented materials produced within your project to a platform that is:

Funded and endorsed by the European Commission

Open-access and free of maintenance or hosting fees.

What is a practice-oriented material?

A practice-oriented material or knowledge object refers to documents, videos, presentations, or other items developed under research and innovation projects funded by the EU (Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe Framework Programmes or EIP-AGRI Operational Groups) or available at National and/or Regional Knowledge Reservoirs. A practice-oriented material should address needs of farmers, foresters, and advisors, and be in non-technical and/or non-political language.


Developed under:

• Research and innovation projects funded by the EU (Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe Framework Programmes or EIP-AGRI Operational Groups)

Or available at:
• National and/or Regional Knowledge Reservoirs.


Text Documents


• Mention an applicable research and innovation solution
• Address needs of farmers, foresters, and advisors
• Non-technical and/or non-political language.

Who can use?

The users are divided between direct users and intermediaries. A direct user is a farmer, a forester, or another rural actor, who applies a practice-oriented material to its context. An intermediary is a member of a CAP rural network, an advisor, an educator/trainer, a student or a journalist, who utilizes a practice-oriented material and transfers it to a farmer, a forester, or another rural actor, to be applied.

Why to use?

Being a user of the EU-FarmBook gives you the opportunity to utilize materials on a platform that:

Focuses on their practical applicability.

Ensures their ready availability.

Establish connections with other actors within the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS)! Use easily and intuitively practice-oriented materials produced within the scope of research and innovation projects, through a platform that is:

Funded and endorsed by the European Commission

Open-access and free.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.
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