
ENAJ / EU-FarmBook Press and Networking Event: Networking Monday

Networking Monday: Discussing the Future of Resilient Farms

Ghent, 8 July

The first day of the European Network of Agricultural Journalists (ENAJ) and EU-FarmBook event took place at the Ghent University. The Network of Agricultural Journalists ENAJ, the Horizon project EU-FarmBook and Ghent University invited agricultural journalists, scientists and agricultural experts to discussion the topic “Moving towards resilient farms“

Keynote speakers included Lisa Bellocchi (Chairwoman of ENAJ), Pieter Spanoghe (Coordinator of EU-FarmBook), Gijs Schilthuis (Head of Policy Perspectives DG Agri), and Matija Zulj (CEO of AGRIVI).

During the panel discussion, Gijs Schilthuis explained how policy aims to support farmers. Pieter Spanoghe emphasized the role of science, Jelte Wiersma (Secretary General of CEMA) stressed the importance of policy stability, and Justine Arkens from Groene Kring, a young farmers association in Flanders, called for more time, space, and budget to ensure future resilience. “Young farmers like to invest, but they can’t if they don’t know if they will be successful,” she stated.

Peter Rakers moderated the panel with Gijs Schilthuis, Pieter Spanoghe, Justine Arkens and  Jelte Wiersma. (R to L)

In the wrap-up session, Marion Picot (Secretary General of CEJA) and Els Vanneste, a family farmer from Damme, underlined the importance of empowering young farmers. Lieven Van Waes (Senior Policy Advisor at the Agency for Agriculture and Fisheries in Flanders) pointed out that the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has failed to ensure adequate income for farmers in the past. “Farmers have been price takers, not price setters,” he said, predicting that food prices will (have to) rise. Michiel van Andel, who farms near Emmeloord in the Netherlands, also expects prices to increase and is skeptical of the new CAP providing solutions. He quoted Thomas Sowell: “There are no solutions, only trade-offs,” and expressed a wish for more understanding of this concept in politics, media, and the general public.

Despite differing opinions on policy, all participants agreed on the importance of innovation for farm resilience. Special thanks were given to Peter Rakers (ESSET ENGAGE) and Damien O’Reilly (Irish Co-operative Organisation Society) for their professional moderation.

EU-FarmBook Coordinator Pieter Spanoghe (second from right) and ENAJ Chairwoman Lisa Bellocchi (third from right)
welcomed Experts from various agricultural sectors to interesting Discussions.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.
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