
EU-FarmBook Platform

On the 21st of February 2023, the EU-FarmBook project (Horizon Europe) will organise the EU-FarmBook Platform Day (at the Palace of the Belgian Academies) in Brussels, Belgium (Physical Meeting Only). This event aims to optimise the interoperability of digital knowledge sharing of the EU-FarmBook and other Horizon Europe projects, the CAP-network, and national networks, as well as to foster the digital community.

The EU-FarmBook is being developed to test a big idea: “Can all the Tangible Outputs of EU-Funded Research and Innovation Projects be brought together and organized in one User-Friendly Platform to help get Practical Knowledge into the hands of Farmers, Foresters, and Advisors across Europe who need it most?” The challenges to doing this are great:

The challenges to doing this are great:

  • Data (Base) Quality.
  • Compatibility Issues
  • Language Barriers
  • Intergenerational Considerations

However, EU-FarmBook believes that the future of agriculture and forestry innovation in Europe is digital, and requires a vastly increased and improved digital exchange of knowledge between EU regions and Member States, as well as between different agricultural stakeholders: Researchers, Policy-Makers, SMEs, Advisors, Farmers, and Foresters.

EU-FarmBook is the result of two EU-funded Horizon 2020 “sister” projects, EURAKNOS and EUREKA, which have brought together diverse partners to work together using a multi-actor approach. Please visit the websites and check out this short video to learn more.

The day will include plenary presentations on interoperability with the EU-FarmBook platform, 3 keynote speeches as well as parallel sessions.

Final Program

  • 08:30 – Registration of Participants
  • 09:15 – Introduction by Pieter Spanoghe (UGent, BE)
  • 09:30 – Ana Patricia Lopez (EC – DG AGRI) & Inge Van Oost (EC – DG AGRI)
  • 10:05 – Presentation on the EU-FarmBook by Hercules Panoutsopoulos (Agricultural University of Athens, GR), Louis Powell (Maastricht University, NL) and Christopher Brewster (Maastricht University, NL)
  • 10:45 – Questions
  • 10:55 – Coffee-Break
  • 11:25 – 3 Keynote Speeches: Testimonials of Existing Platforms
  • 12:05 – Guidelines for the Parallel Sessions
  • 12:15 – Lunch
  • 13:15 – Parallel Sessions
  • 14:45 – Coffee-Break
  • 15:15 – Parallel Sessions
  • 16:15 – Panel Discussion
  • 17:05 – Closing by Inge De Bo (UGent, BE) – Next Steps
  • 17:15 – End of the event

Parallel Sessions

  • The EU-FarmBook and Thematic Networks

What: Working towards a common template for uploading knowledge objects and representing Thematic Networks on the EU-FarmBook.
Target Audience: People with knowledge about the meta-data of their project, communication of their project and IT-infrastructure.

  • The EU-FarmBook and National Authorities for Knowledge Reservoirs

What: Establishing conditions for interoperability with national Knowledge Reservoirs
Target Audience: People with knowledge about the meta-data of their project, IT-infrastructure to set-up or maintain a national knowledge reservoir and IT-strategy

  • The EU-FarmBook Digital Community

What: Establishing conditions for setting up an online community for end-users on the EU-FarmBook
Target Audience: People with knowledge of legal issues with regard to online communities, with strategies for starting and managing online communities

  • The EU-FarmBook Conceptual Design

What: Re-using components from existing ontologies and vocabularies for a robust technical design of the EU-FarmBook
Target Audience: People with knowledge about agricultural ontologies and/or setting up such ontologies + people working in EU-funded, agriculture- and forestry-related Multi-Actor projects (bringing in domain expertise)

The event will take place at:
The Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts
Paleis der Academiën
Hertogsstraat 1
1000 Brussel

For any questions, please contact Laurens Van der Cruyssen


EU-FarmBook Online Workshop

EU-FarmBook is hosting an Online Workshop on January 26th (10:00 – 12:00 CET and 14:00 – 16:00 CET) to understand the State-of-Play of Online Knowledge Reservoirs at the National and Regional Levels (as part of the AKIS Strategic Approach in CAP Plans).

Many of the newly adopted CAP Strategic Plans for the 2023-2027 period include Online National/Regional “Knowledge Reservoirs for Practice” to support the implementation of the AKIS Strategic Approach presented in Section 8 (Modernisation: AKIS and digitalisation) of the CAP Plans.

The current status of these National/Regional Knowledge Reservoirs varies greatly, and it is understood that Member States are keen to share experiences and expectations regarding their development and management, especially since there is the possibility to save costs and avoid overlapping work and duplication of effort.

The Workshop will promote the potential of linking as many National/Regional “Knowledge Reservoirs for Practice” as possible with the EU-Level Knowledge Reservoir that is currently under development by the Horizon Europe-funded EU-FarmBook project.

The Online Event will aim to:

  • Receive Context from the European Commission about digital “Knowledge Reservoirs for Practice” as part of the AKIS Strategic Approach.
  • Exchange Experiences and Expectations with other Member States regarding the choice of themes and type of content, target audience, planning, technical development and management of digital “Knowledge Reservoirs for Practice”, possible collaborations.
  • Begin exploring potential connections to the EU-FarmBook.

See the Draft Program below:

Session 1
10:00 – Welcome and “Who is here?”
10:15 – Setting the scene
10:55 – EU-FarmBook – What is it?
11:10 – Preliminary Outcomes of the Survey on the State-of-Play of National/Regional Knowledge Reservoirs for Practice in the Member States
11:25 – Connecting to the EU FarmBook – How and What?
11:45 – EU-FarmBook Ambassadors – The Concept and “Who is Who?”
11:55 – Priority issues for discussion in Session 2

Session 2
14:00 – Welcome back and explanation of Session 2
14:15 – Knowledge Exchange on the State-of-Play and expectations from Digital Knowledge Reservoirs for Practice among Member States
15:15 – Presentation and Consolidation of the Knowledge Exchange Session
15:45 – Next Steps: EU-FarmBook Platform Day in Brussels on 21st February


EU-FarmBook kick off in Florence, Italy

In October 2022, in Florence, Italy, representatives of the 29 EU FarmBook partner organisations from 18 European countries met for the first face-to-face project meeting.

The first face-to-face EU-FarmBook project meeting of took place in Florence, Italy, in October 2022. 29 partner organizations from 18 European countries followed the invitation of the Italian Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, a member of the project consortium. The face-to-face meeting was preceded by several digital meetings in preparation of the official project launch in August 2022. The aim of the meeting was to discuss successful collaboration in a multi-actor project that brings together expertise from different disciplines.

Project Coordinator Pieter Spanoghe from Ghent University compared the collaboration to preparing a meal: “For having a good meal you need some ingredients. The project´s work packages bring together all the ingredients needed to prepare a nice meal.” If you combine the expertise and bring all the ingredients together, you get a very good product. To keep the common goal in mind, the participants received an EU-FarmBook apron. In the EU-FarmBook project, 29 EU partner organizations are working to build a Europe-wide digital platform that collects and shares agricultural and forestry knowledge. The idea is to bring together the tangible results of EU-funded research and innovation projects on a user-friendly platform and provide a useful and effective tool for farmers, foresters and advisors across Europe.

The platform is based on a co-creation approach and builds on the results of the previous EURAKNOS and EUREKA projects. As a coordinator, Ghent University is responsible for the overall management of the project. Ghent University is an internationally renowned, open, pluralistic and socially engaged university in Belgium.


EU-FarmBook is active on Twitter and LinkedIn

You can follow, connect and share the EU-FarmBook now also on LinkedIn and Twitter.

EU FarmBook is building a digital platform and is also committed digital communication through social media. Since September 2022 interested parties from agriculture, forestry and research can follow, connect and share news and information about the project on LinkedIn and Twitter.

You can keep up to date on the project on Twitter and on LinkedIn. We are looking forward to see you!

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.
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